Does The Shape Of Your Ice Matter?

10 August 2023
 Categories: Food & Cooking, Blog

Few things are as refreshing on a hot day as an ice-cold drink. Most people don't give much thought to the shape of the ice cubes that are placed into their beverages to keep them cool. The truth of the matter is that the shape of your ice can have a significant impact on the quality of your drink. Here are three things you need to know about cubed ice to appreciate why the cubed shape is superior. Read More …

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Dinner with the Family

Do you love cooking dinner for your family each night? If you work full-time, you might be desperate to find some delicious, simple recipes you can prepare for your loved ones in mere minutes. If you can relate to this common scenario, consider fixing a chicken stir-fry on a busy night. To make chicken stir-fry, you simply need to pan-fry some chicken breasts that have been cut up into bite-size pieces. After placing the cooked chicken in a plate covered with aluminum foil, you should cook a pack of frozen stir-fry vegetables. Once the vegetables are tender, you can put the chicken back into the pan with them. This quick dish is wonderful when served over a bed of brown rice. On this blog, I hope you will discover how to make quick meals everyone in your family will love. Enjoy!
